Hotels over booking is occurred any time to any one.

The industry I'm working is for helping customers who got overbooking by hotels. means... the guest made a booking by our travel site, however, the hotel is not able to accommodate the guest as the number of bookings exceeded the number of rooms.

We are not handling only overbooking case, sometimes hotel will be under the maintenance or permanent close or terminate the contract with our company.
those case, we need to inform it to our guests and provide alternative accommodations.

The funny thing is that even the situation is exactly the same, their reactions are really depending on the guest.

Some guests mad at us.
Some guests complain like forever.
Some guests offer us very expensive alternative accommodation.
Some guests are surprisingly calm.

People think that the situation is unusual because they haven't had that experience in their travel. BUT please acknowledge that even though you get the notification "We do not have a room for you. please cancel the reservation." That's quite normal!

Basically, hotels estimate cancellation and accept booking more than their room inventories. Then, if the number of cancellation is less than their expectation, it will be overbooking.
That is the reason why overbooked occurs and also the reason why we have a job now.

If you got overbooking, please don't be angry.
Sometimes during you are angry, someone books great room and you will have no options.

Just switch the thought and enjoy the travel with the other hotel!


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